

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead

Westminster College began in the minds of seven public-spirited citizens who came together in the 1950s with the idea to help provide residential space for students affiliated with the United Church of Canada attending Western University.

Spearheaded by Mr. Donald McGeachy and Mr. Lockwood Miller, Westminster College became a reality. In 1960, land and buildings located at the corner of Richmond Street and Windermere Road were purchased from the London Hunt and Country Club who had resided at this location since the turn of the century providing tennis, golf, riding stables as well as skeet and trapshooting.

In September 1962, a newly constructed residence building opened on the north bank of the Medway Creek.

Westminster College owned and operated the residence for over 40 years until the land and buildings were sold to Western University in June 2005.

In 2007, Westminster College received foundation status. The foundation provides grants to registered charitable organizations in London, Middlesex and Elgin counties which support programs/projects that support the well-being of youth and seniors in our community. Westminster College Foundation remains committed to continuing to serve and support the community in the same spirit as the past.