Granting Cycles
Spring Granting Cycle
- Open to spring grant application submissions: February 1.
- Application deadline for spring submissions: Prior to midnight, March 1.
Fall Granting Cycle
- Open to fall grant application submissions: September 1.
- Application deadline for fall submissions: Prior to midnight, October 1.
Granting Cycle Timelines
Grant Applications are for programs/projects/initiatives in London, Middlesex, and Elgin counties in Ontario that are expected to commence not earlier than the following July for spring granting cycles and the following January for the fall granting cycle. Please ensure the application reflects the funding timelines.
How to Apply
Applications must include the applicant’s Board of Directors listing plus the current annual operational budget of the organization and must be submitted through the link on How to Apply page prior to the deadline date.
Generally, applicants will be notified to the status of their application within three months.